The truth about Britnee and Ryan (britneeandryan)

One of the biggest benefits of social media is that it can be used to unite people towards a noble cause. Britnee and Ryan are a California couple that has started a TikTok account to mobilize people to contribute towards Ryan’s recovery from Stage 4 Sarcoma.
The couple learned of Ryan’s diagnosis in early November 2020 and launched the TikTok page to spread the word and ask for help. So far, the TikTok page has close to 300K followers. Thanks to the page, Ryan and Britnee have raised money for his treatment and the hope is that they will get enough funds to take him to full remission.
This piece will look at Ryan’s cancer journey and the unfortunate hate Britnee receives.
Ryan was diagnosed with aggressive stage 4 Sarcoma on 5th November 2020. The hope was that immunotherapy would help fight the disease, but it spread rapidly to his lungs, leaving chemotherapy as the only option. Due to cancer, Ryan’s lungs would fill up with fluid making it difficult for him to breathe.
On 23rd February 2021, the couple posted a harrowing video informing followers that Ryan would begin the most aggressive form of chemotherapy on the advice of his oncologist. Ryan’s prospects looked so bleak that doctors told Britnee that he wouldn’t make it past two weeks. However, Ryan pushed through, and after two weeks in hospital, Ryan was discharged. Britnee posted a TikTok video on 7th March with the following caption:
“Hey Warriors. A week ago I got a phone call from hospital. They told me that Ryan wasn’t going to make it past two weeks but look at him now! He now has to be on oxygen and he is in a hospital bed in our house! He also now has two Plurel catheter tubes in his back instead of one so that means double draining.”
The harsh side effects of chemotherapy reared their ugly head in March when Ryan started losing hair. In a 27th March video, Ryan appeared visibly emotional, pulling out clumps of his hair from his head. A day after his 30th birthday, Britnee cut Ryan’s hair. “I kept the smile on, but I wanted to cry the entire time,” Britnee stated. “This made everything feel much more real.”
As a show of support, Ryan’s friends also cut their hair. Despite the setback, there is hope that Ryan will recover as his body is responding to the chemo. On 14th March, he felt strong enough to provide an update on his health. Ryan said:
“Doctor told me that all my levels are up. My white cell blood count is up. My right lung, which we’ve been having to drain every day, is more clear. My left lung stopped producing liquid, which is really good. They pulled two liters out of it when I was in the hospital, and it was very scary – I almost lost my life. The chemo seems to be working.”
Hopefully, Ryan keeps on this upward trajectory and makes a full recovery.
Britnee Kay is a social media star in her own right. She has 46.1K followers on TikTok and is thriving on OnlyFans. However, she can’t establish herself on TikTok because hateful fans keep mass reporting her account.
Britnee recently created a TikTok channel, and despite doing nothing contrary to the rules, the mass reporting prompted the platform to delete her account. Britnee is not dependent on TikTok for income, but she warned people to refrain from malicious mass reporting as it might compromise somebody’s income. She posted a TikTok video on the couple’s cancer page saying:
“Lucky for me TikTok is just for fun. But, mass reporting somebody’s page is actually really messed up guys. For some people, TikTok is their only source of income and it’s not appropriate to report pages for no reason. I hope getting my page taken down gave you the justification you’ve been looking for.”
Kay created her account to divert hateful attention from the couple’s cancer page. She asked anyone with anything hateful to say to post it on her TikTok page rather than the cancer page. However, the haters opted to instead report her account.